Nicolas Rothen
Nicolas Rothen
Beat Meier
Spontaneous Retrieval Reveals Right-Ear Advantage in Prospective Memory
Time-of-Day Affects Prospective Memory Differently in Younger and Older Adults
Time of Day Affects Implicit Memory for Unattended Stimuli
Developing Synaesthesia: A Primer
How Mirror-Touch Informs Theories of Synesthesia
Turning Univalent Stimuli Bivalent: Synesthesia Can Cause Cognitive Conflict in Task Switching
Acquiring Synaesthesia: Insights from Training Studies
Developmental Aspects of Synaesthesia across the Adult Lifespan
Psychophysiology of Prospective Memory
Coloured Letters and Numbers (CLaN): A Reliable Factor-Analysis Based Synaesthesia Questionnaire
Grapheme-Color Synaesthesia Is Associated with a Distinct Cognitive Style
Psychophysiological Evidence for the Genuineness of Swimming-Style Colour Synaesthesia
Recognition Memory across the Lifespan: The Impact of Word Frequency and Study-Test Interval on Estimates of Familiarity and Recollection
Synaesthesia and Memory
Why Vicarious Experience Is Not an Instance of Synesthesia
Enhanced Memory Ability: Insights from Synaesthesia
Performance Predictions Improve Prospective Memory and Influence Retrieval Experience.
Swimming-Style Synesthesia
Training Synaesthesia
Grapheme– Colour Synaesthesia Yields an Ordinary Rather than Extraordinary Memory Advantage: Evidence from a Group Study
Higher Prevalence of Synaesthesia in Art Students
Parieto-Occipital Suppression Eliminates Implicit Bidirectionality in Grapheme-Colour Synaesthesia
Do Synesthetes Have a General Advantage in Visual Search and Episodic Memory? A Case for Group Studies
Training Grapheme-Colour Associations Produces a Synaesthetic Stroop Effect, but Not a Conditioned Synaesthetic Response
When Conditioned Responses "Fire Back": Bidirectional Cross-Activation Creates Learning Opportunities in Synesthesia